Type time:Time

A time:Time represents a time duration or the time of day.
time:Time(Node days, Node hours, Node minutes, Node seconds, Node milliseconds)
time:Time(Number milliseconds)
time:Time(String time)
Create a time:Time from a string representation of a time.
difference(time:Time other)
Returns: The time:Time difference between this time:Time and other.
equals(time:Time other)
Output this time:Time as a String using the default formatting options.
greater(time:Time other)
Returns: True if this time:Time represents a time duration longer than that of other, or a time of day that is later.
greater(Node other)
Same as: time:Time.greater(time:Time($other))
less(time:Time other)
Returns: True if this time:Time represents a time duration shorter than that of other, or a time of day that is earlier.
less(Node other)
Same as: time:Time.less(time:Time($other))
Get this time as milliseconds since the start of 1970.
Get an XML representation of this time:Time.
Suspend processing for this long by putting the thread to sleep.